Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ever Wonder How Safe Your Prescription Drugs Are?

My son takes 3 prescription meds and I take 2. I've always been of the mindset that any medication has a touch of poison. Not that we shouldn't take them when needed, but we should know as much about what we're putting into our bodies as possible.
    My son and I both take medications for anxiety. Psychiatric drugs are sort of scary. You really have to be careful, like so many medications... really pay attention to what you take them with... in order to avoid potential harmful side-effects. I still think of Heath Ledger who took the wrong combination of pills for anxiety and never woke up. One of the meds he took is the one I'm currently on.

    As for my son... it was a huge decision to medicate him for anxiety, and to be quite honest we've seen little overall benefit.We see his doctor again this month. I have no clue what she'll suggest next.
      What about birth control pills? I have to be real honest here... they've always freaked me out. I've never taken "the pill". No form of it. I'm not the expert and this shouldn't serve as anything more than my opinion, but I've always worried about Blood clots.

      I'm on a site now called looking for the medications my son and I take. I haven't found any of our medications on this unsafe list. However, I did find Tylenol. I sometimes forget that even an over-the-counter medication can cause organ damage if used excessively.

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        desilvahousehold said...
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        Christie said...

        I'm not sure if you are aware, but birth control pills cause abortion. It's not hype or misrepresentation. It's just true. If you read the fine print, it says right on them that they can cause abortion in the case of breakthrough ovulation.

        Birth Control Pills work THREE ways to "prevent" pregnancy, though one of those ways is aborting an implanted fertilized egg. One - they prevent ovulation, two - they make the uterus lining weak so that if you DO have breakthrough ovulation (it SO happens) the egg can't implant, an three - if you have breakthrough ovulation AND the egg implants, then your uterus flushes it out and aborts it. :( Super sad. So true. Something every pro-life person should be aware of. I think your hesitation and pondering about birth control are probably an inkling from the Holy Spirit. It's not good. It's so not good.

        Wendy said...

        That's another reason I was turned off by the idea of taking "the pill". I didn't touch on this given the nature of the discussion it could have ignited. I've lost 6 children to miscarriage and would have rather gone through that pain, knowing it wasn't my doing that took them to be with the Lord early, than to have wondered how many lives I might have been responsible for snuffing out before their time. I say this in love to anyone who has used "the pill"... not here to judge anyone. It just wasn't the right choice for me, given my personal relationship with Jesus Christ.