Thursday, December 1, 2011

Are You Ready to Refinance Your Home?

Taking the time to refinance your home mortgage is well worth the hassle. We refinanced about 6 years ago, reducing our monthly payment by nearly $200! What would you do with an extra $200? We found plenty of ways to spend and save our extra found income. We're a penny-pinching family even when times are good, but the last few months have been unpredictable with my husband having lost a job in mid-August and not finding employment until just a couple weeks ago. That employment is contract-based, meaning it offers no benefits and could end at any time. That's life for you.

We never know where the path of life will take us next. Saving a nickel here and a dime there is essential in our uncertain economy. Imagine saving hundreds of dollars every month? It could make a world of difference to your family's ability to thrive if life throws you (or your employment status) for a loop.
    Have you ever refinanced? If you own your own home or are looking to buy, you know that finding a lender who you can trust is important. It's also essential to find a bank offering top notch customer service... including, but not limited to 24/7 online access to important account information and tax forms, and online banking. We do everything online these days, don't we? I'd never consider investing or borrowing with a bank without a fully-functioning, user-friendly website.
      Aurora loans is one option for financing a mortgage or making a home purchase. We used a local lender suggested by my parents. Word of mouth is usually a safe bet, or has been for us. We've talked about refinancing again and aren't sure if we'll use the same lender as before. I'm looking at other possibilities... or perhaps I'm looking for a deal. lol

      As I consider my options, I'm also checking out a mortgage calculator I found online. Ohhh the wonders of the Internet! lol You can find anything online these days. Love to play with this calculator too. If you're not sure what you can afford a mortgage calculator will give you an excellent idea. If you're looking to refinance, this particular calculator is a good one.

      I'll keep you posted on our decision of when and were to refinance!

        Thank you for following The Homeschooling Blog!

        1 comment:

        Best Savings Account said...

        I think it is a good time to buy. Interest rates are low and might not be this low again. Best of luck with whatever you decide.