Friday, July 1, 2011

A Urine Test that Identifies Your Babies Gender?

I've never heard of such a think as a urine test for determining gender until now. The creators of GENDERmaker have come up with a home-based urine test which claims to reveal the gender of your baby in as early as 6 weeks into fetal development! I've always thought such information could only be derived through a DNA sample at that stage... so this product is very intriguing to me. We've lost our last 6 pregnancies and it usually happens around 8 weeks into fetal development.

I'd love to have had this test "just to see" what the gender of each child was before we miscarried. Boy or Girl... there's some amount of peace in knowing. They've done DNA testing on 5 of the lost children, but when they come back with female... they always tell us there's a possibility that they grabbed my DNA rather than that of the baby. We know for sure we've lost 2 boys. The last pregnancy lost just over a year ago was actually undetermined. They couldn't tell me anything.

God is good and has given us to healthy children and we didn't ask about their gender before they were born... so we went the old fashioned route and waited for them to tell us what they were on delivery day! If I had to do it again, I'd want to know. lol My husband wouldn't, but I would! So.... I think I'd give this test a try. If we were so blessed as to bring the baby to term... it would help me know what colors to shop for! In secret of course as to not ruin the surprise for my husband. lol

This gender predictor offers a money-back guarantee and is made in the USA. I'm going to share this website and it's amazing product with a friend of mine who found out she was expecting about 4 weeks ago! I'd love to see if it works! lol I wonder how many of my readers know about or have used this test? Apparently the results are revealed even quicker than a pregnancy test.

What a world we live in to have the luxury of ordering such a thing as a baby gender blood test. It's just crazy! lol Hopefully people won't use this test to decide whether or not to sustain a pregnancy. That's the only downside I could see with this test... and with the motivation of those making the purchase. All God's children are precious! Each and every one... not just the boys, not just the girls!

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