Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Top 64 Best Online Colleges for 2011

Who knew there were so many online colleges to choose from! lol I've written several times about my desire to go back to school and earn my master's degree... online or otherwise, but I never knew there were so many online colleges to select from.

I found Degree Jungle and truly appreciate their ranking system. What a help! They've listed 64 online colleges and ranked them all! What I find the most interesting are the student populations for some of these online colleges. Some of these schools have fewer than a thousand students! lol

In order to make the top 64 the college must be accredited and offer 4-year degree programs. In assigning the ranking for each school listed such factors as price per student, percentage of students receiving scholarships or grants, student to teacher ratios, retention and graduation rates, and other such factors not to be ignored!

I'm hoping to find the best online colleges for 2011 and learn more about what degree programs each school offers, where the top-rated schools are located,  and how they fair in comparison to other schools offering the same degree programs.

One of the online colleges I see advertised frequently is University of Phoenix. Believe it or not, they have over 400,000 students according to Degree Jungle. That's unbelievable! Looks like all their marketing really pays for itself! lol The interesting thing though... they rank number 61 on Degree Jungle's top 64. Check it out!

  If you're not reading this post on The Homeschooling Blog... the content has been hijacked. Please let me know by following this link and leaving me a comment. Thanks in advance! 


Anonymous said...

I have clicked on your link "The Top 64 Best Online Colleges for 2011" and it says that it does not exist. I have tried several times. :(

Wendy said...

Thanks for letting me know! I think I have the links fixed! Sorry about that. :)