Wednesday, July 13, 2011

10 Tips for Making Life on the Go Easier and More Efficient

So much for the lazy days of Summer! We're on the go morning, day, and night and as consequently have had to get creative, motivated, and organized in order to insure all our boxes get checked day in and day out. Especially when traveling from one activity to another (in the heat no less) while at the same time being sure not to forget those little essentials that keep kiddos (and mom) content and happy.

Here are my top 10 tips for making Summer life on the go a whole lot happier and more efficient:
  1. Keep a craft or tackle box in your vehicle that's rodent and insect proof (something that latches closed) to keep store emergency snacks and juice boxes. Oh... and keep it stocked! This will not only save you a lot of money when your hungry children see their favorite fast food restaurant on their way to soccer practice, but will save you time, provide you with more flexibility (if you think ahead) in offering healthy snack options, and since your children's blood sugar won't crash, they're less likely to fight, whine, or be disagreeable. It's all good mom! You should keep a few protein bars or a bag of cashews in the tote box for you too! I've found it to be a life saver.
  2. When you know you'll be away from the house for more than 6 hours I highly suggest bringing a small cooler. Again, it will save you time and money. Throw in a few bottles of water for the kids and a can of iced latte for yourself! Are you with me? Mom should be happy after all! We give everything we have to and for our kids. Don't forget to pamper yourself once in awhile. Bring along an extra latte just in case you hit a traffic jam or run into a friend at dance class. You just can't go wrong with this plan. You may be familiar with Seattle's Best Coffee and their canned latte which sells for only $1.49 a can. If not, the time is now! My favorite place to enjoy a latte is in my van.... uh, while driving. It's my escape within an escape... especially if I'm escaping my mom cave (all alone!)... that's sorta my party time. lol  Click here to save $1.50 on a 4-pack of Seattle's Best!
  3. Keep an extra bottle of sunscreen in the glove box. Seriously. I can't tell you how many times we found ourselves away from home and my little freckle-faced red head would ask... "Hey mom, do you think I should be wearing sunscreen?". Ugh! Of course, and yet... oh, Wendy. I've gotten smarter though!
  4. Baby wipes live in the side-compartment of my car door. They're awesome for more reasons than I have time to share... even if I wasn't a mom, I'd have them!
  5. Keep a pillow and blanket in the car for each child. Just in case a day runs longer than you'd planned. Keep the troops comfortable and let those growing bodies get some shut eye should they feel the need.
  6. Keep old shoes in the trunk for playing in the parks on muddy days... even for stomping through the puddles. This is a privilege of childhood I firmly believe in! Keep those old shoes available and let your kids get dirty when you're out playing. Keep them in an old box in the trunk and when they're done stomping around throw them back in the box and have them put on the clean sneakers again. No harm and everyone's happy! Grab the baby wipes if you find dirty ankles or knees. Remember those wipes in the door?
  7. Consolidate trips. I try to hit all my errands to and from each event we have planned. Saves so much on gasoline and wear and tear on the van. It took me awhile to learn this one!
  8. Consolidate play dates... oh, and try and arrange the play dates at a park rather than in your living room. lol Having my children's moms bring them to the park at the same time saves us all kinds of shenanigans and I don't have to clean up before or afterwords! Need I say more?
  9. Keep medications in your purse. Don't leave medications in your vehicle where the heat of summer could destroy their medicinal quality. I have to keep pain relievers on hand for both myself and the kids... my son and I both suffer from migraines. Additionally, my daughter is allergic to some dogs, but not all... so we also have to travel with an antihistamine... just in case! I keep bandages, tissues, and bug spray in our vehicle and hope for the best, but the medications leave with me.
  10. My final tip for avoiding frustrations and chaos in the business of summer is to have a mom network. Swap sitting services with neighbors you know and trust, run errands for one another when you're out. Share sale circulars, trade coupons, carpool, and be there for one another! Oh, and when you skip across the street to pick up your kiddos who your gal pal watched while you finally accomplished that doctor appointment, be sure to bring her a lovely can of iced latte! Ahhhhh!

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Seattle’s Best Coffee blogging program for a gift card worth $30. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

  If you're not reading this post on The Homeschooling Blog... the content has been hijacked. Please let me know by following this link and leaving me a comment. Thanks in advance! 


Kelly said...

Great tips! We always forget the sunscreen! I love your blog and am your newest follower!

Wendy said...

Thanks for the comment and the follow!