Thursday, June 9, 2011

Good News, Bad News, & The Homeschooling Blog!

As my loyal readers likely already know, I'm not currently homeschooling, but that hasn't kept me from blogging about it. We talk all the time about when to bring either one or both kids (now 8 and 10) back home again. When the time is right, I'll be ready to play ball! lol I've told my son who has Asperger's Syndrome that I'm ready whenever he is. I've also shared with him that I'll be ready even if he isn't. lol I'm just not sure I want him in middle school... that's a post for another day.

In the meantime I took a day job last fall "outside the house" working of all places in the public school system where my kids are enrolled. Not the actual building, but the same district. We live in a thriving community of 34 elementary schools, so finding a job in the same building isn't all that easy to do! Until...

Yesterday one of my supervisors decided to move me to the same school building my children attend in August! It's really the next best situation to homeschooling given I'll be in the same building as the kids, getting to know the staff even better than I already have and I'll be that much closer should my special needs son require my attention... he missed 20 days of school last year.

So, that's the first bit of good news. The second bit of good news is also the bit of bad news. Confused? teehee? I'm just happy you're still reading... Ok... so I'll be in the same building, which is just under a mile from our home... we can walk if we need to it's so close, which means I'll save a lot on gasoline and man is my van ever a gas guzzler. With each location within the district, my position hours change. At my children's particular location my weekly hours will be 21.25 compared to the 27.5 hours I worked up until 2 weeks ago. Ouch. Yes, that's lost pay and that's going to hurt... however, I'll have more time to blog! WooHoo!

So, benefits to my employment situation are as follows:
  • I'll be closer to my children... as in just down the hall. :) Or... just down the street if I've already left for the day.
  • My son who gets frequent migraines and has chronic stomach problems will have me at his disposal should he need me. No more phone calls from the nurse from clear across town.
  • I'll save on gasoline!
  • I'll get to know the staff at my children's school a whole lot better.
  • I'll have more time to blog! Meaning you'll hear more from me! lol
  • I'm making less money outside the home. Hopefully the time I have "at home" will be somewhat profitable. Since having taken the job last August I've lost a lot of momentum  (not to mention time to do laundry).
Ok... so get ready for more of Wendy! lol Hopefully in return, I'll get more of you!

  If you're not reading this post on The Homeschooling Blog... the content has been hijacked. Please let me know by following this link and leaving me a comment. Thanks in advance! 


April said...

Did you know most auto insurance companies will give you a discount if you drive less than 5 miles to and from work?? You can average it out and take into consideration the days you will be walking. That, in addition to the fuel you will be saving may help equal that pay you will be missing from fewer hours...

Wendy said...

That's an awesome thought April. It's less than a mile to work now!
Thanks for your comment.