Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Driving Made Safe... A Mom's Safety Checklist. My Top 10.

Millions of American families will be hitting the road this Summer seeking new and exciting adventures with kiddos in tow. Road trips can be a blast and there's no better excuse for creating those forever memories as you collect scads of photos to later paste into scrapbooks and post on Facebook walls.

Whilst we dream of what's to come... let's not forget to create a safety checklist for getting from point A to B and back again.

Today I'd like to share my very own mommy approved (by me of course) car safety checklist. Just a few things I've learned along the way... things you may already know, but what's the harm in a refresher course?

Before heading down the highway or taking the road less traveled, be sure you've checked all your boxes and leave nothing forgotten.

1. Service Those Engines! If you've not had your car service within the past 90 days... well shame on you! lol No, but seriously, if you've due to have your fluid levels checked, oil changed, and tires rotated and inflated, this would be the time to do so. This is probably a no brainer... yet it can easily be the case that in all the chaos of getting those bags packed and reservations made we simply don't remember to bother with the trip to the station.

2. Prepare for Flats! Be sure you have a usable spare tire in your trunk and know how to use it. I'd also recommend road flares and a flashlight or two.

3. Inspect Your Windshield. Check your windshield for cracks, nicks and breaks. Why is this a big issue? I mean other than the fact that it annoys you every time you remember the day the vehicle in front of you spit rocks at your vehicle? Did you know that your windshield accounts for 30% of the structural integrity of your vehicle? If you have a breach in the structural integrity of your vehicle and you have an accident... what does that mean for you and your children? If your windshield isn't all it should be, or if you have a windshield that it's improperly installed and your airbag deploys, that windshield could actually fail... in turn your airbag will not be able to do it's job. Turns out your airbag only works as intended if it has the windshield to brace against. Additionally, the roof of your car could fail if your windshield fails. If you lose your windshield with the deploying of your airbag and then your car rolls... well, we don't really have to go there, do we?

So, it's just a chip... right? A tiny chip created by a flying rock or pebble can extend into a crack without notice. I'd fair to guess this is even more likely to be the case in the heat of Summer when everything expands. If you have a chip or crack smaller than that of a dollar bill fixing that crack it is not only affordable, it can be done in your own driveway and in less than an hour. Seriously! With Safelite AutoGlass you'll even be able to view the profile (picture included) of the repair person assigned to your vehicle. Stranger danger anxiety unload! lol

I guess what I'd like to convey here is that it's actually a better idea to have a small crack or chip repaired now (before it extends past the length of a dollar bill) than wait until a new windshield is required. Two thoughts on this. A few years ago I watched a television news magazine who did a show on replacement windshields and how difficult they are to install without touching the adhesive that binds them to the frame of the car. If that adhesive is touched by human hands, they don't have the bond required to guarantee a secure fit. In other words... they have a high likelihood of failing. So let's not even go there... unless you're going to watch the service person replace your window and argue with them when you see them touch that adhesive!

The other thought.... a lot of insurance companies will pay for the quick fix method and not subject it to your deductible. Even if this turns out not to be the case for you, it's going to be a lot cheaper than paying the deductible for a new windshield.

Safelite AutoGlass® began with a single store in Wichita Kansas back in 1947. Being a Kansas girl myself, they're on my list of go to's for repairs. They're warrantied too... guaranteeing their work.

4. Have a Cell Phone Charger! You know the kind that sticks into your cigarette lighter? I can think of no better use for a cigarette lighter than a cell phone charger.

5. Borrow or Buy a GPS. After all... if you're traveling far from home, why not? They're awesome and even if you know your way... should there be detours, construction zones, flooded out bridges, bad weather, fighting children in the back seat causing you to miss an exit or take the wrong turn (ever been there?), you'll be thanking your lucky stars you have it on hand. Additionally, if you're in unfamiliar territory and need to find a hospital or a gas station... well, need I say more?

6. Share Your Itinerary & Map.
Outline your route on a map and leave a copy with a close friend or relative. Have you ever watched the television series "I Shouldn't Be Alive"? If I've learned anything by watching that show, it's this... let someone know what road you're taking, where you're staying and what time you should be there! I know it's fun to wing it. Spontaneity can be fun, but if we're talking road safety... might want to save it for after you hit our destination.

7. Keep the Kids Happy! We bring portable DVD players, iPods, Nintendo DS's, and comfort essentials such as big pillows and warm blankets. If it's doable... let them wear their pj's and slippers. Stop frequently even if it means significantly increasing your travel time. Be sure they're able to get out and walk around every 90 minutes so they don't get stir crazy, crampy, or crabby.  Pack more snacks than you ever imagine needing too. You'll be glad you did when they get hungry and start asking for overpriced junk food at the gas station.

8. Feed Your Family! This may sound ridiculous, but when I was a kid we sometimes had to skip a meal to save time and money as we traveled across the Midwest to grandma's house. Can I just ask that you never do that? If you can't afford to feed your children a healthy meal as you travel, and at a reasonable time... on some sort of schedule, you might just want to just stay home. If you're hungry your blood sugar will drop and you'll become irritable and tired. You need to feed your body reasonably healthy food at meal time so you can remain alert while driving. If your kids are hungry... well, they're going to fight and maybe even whine! lol

9. Sleep! Never drive when you're overly tired. Again... I still have memories of my father slapping himself in the face to stay awake. Oh dear.

10. DON'T TEXT & DRIVE!! Please? A lot of you do this. I'm asking you to stop. Whether you're traveling with kids or not. Whether you're on a road trip or just driving to the mall. It could be my car you hit... it could be my son or daughter that pays for your mistake.

Ok... on a lighter note, have an awesome Summer, travel safely and take as many photos as those memory cards can hold!

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Safelite blogging program, for a gift card worth $30. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

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