Saturday, February 4, 2012

Online Retailer Offering Safety, Street, and Road Signs

Ever wonder where cities buy their Street Signs? I don't know if they all come from, but it's interesting to find a place online where you can order a yield sign!

    When I was in college I occasionally saw what looked like "real" street signs in the apartments and dorm rooms of friends. I never asked questions... guess I didn't want to know where those signs came from. Especially since in high school I heard rumors of classmates stealing them. Not cool, especially given a couple were stop signs.

    It would be cool to decorate a boys room in safety signs. With an online supplier, you could get your very own caution sign, a danger sign, construction signs...whatever your heart desires. I'm sure that this retailer isn't thinking home decor when they pound these things out... but I guess I am. lol

    How about  No Trespassing Signs for your property or for your son's bedroom door! Or maybe you need a sign for your driveway? With you can customize your sign and make it say whatever you wish. Maybe you want to write something witty to bring a smile to the face of all who enter your drive? offers real Road Signs and things like "no smoking" signs, props for marking wet floors, recycling signs and signs asking people not to litter.  If you live on property with a lake, pond, or pool, you should be extra diligent and perhaps post a "no swimming" or no trespassing sign. You can even customize your no trespassing sign to warn of a camera on site... even if there's not. lol

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