Enter to win $30 Cash! This giveaway is open WORLDWIDE and runs through April 21st.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Wendy Lindsey
Wendy is the blessed mom to a 10 year old son with Asperger's
Syndrome, a beautiful 9 year old daughter, & 6 children (miscarried) in
heaven. She's temporarily given up homeschooling to give her son the peer
modeling he was missing at home, essential for proper development in a child
with autism. Currently she works full-time with special needs children as a
I try to put it on my new blog contests from all over the world and I need help with more information in particular about where I can find contests easier, possible sponsors for the contest page and everything that might be useful for a beginner in this field. My blog is in Romanian and the page for competitions and want to do it in English.If you have a suggestion how small, please help me with a comment on http://cipbtro.blogspot.com or by whatever means you wish. I hope you will seem interesting contests that I've found so far All the best, thanks in advance.
I am trying to save up to buy the kids an above ground pool. I would use this money for that.
I would Buy my Daughter Birthday presents for her upcoming Birthday! Thank you for the Chance to win<3
I'd buy some summer clothes.
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com
i save paypal money for christmas w hen possible
I would buy razors, shampoo, conditioner.
Cindy B (on rc/fb) ~ definitely would buy stuff for the new baby we're expecting in July
I would buy birthday presents! <3 Thank you for the chance!
I would buy my mom something nice for Mother's Day
new sandals for the summer
I would like to purchase a walker for my grand daughter
i would like save for this coming enrollment of my brother..
I would like to buy a birthday gift for my mom.
I would use it for gas.
I would probably buy books or take the family out to dinner. :)
I will promote my blog
I try to put it on my new blog contests from all over the world and I need help with more information in particular about where I can find contests easier, possible sponsors for the contest page and everything that might be useful for a beginner in this field.
My blog is in Romanian and the page for competitions and want to do it in English.If you have a suggestion how small, please help me with a comment on http://cipbtro.blogspot.com or by whatever means you wish.
I hope you will seem interesting contests that I've found so far
All the best, thanks in advance.
i'd by books from my wishlist
krystlekouture at yahoo dot com
I'd definately put it towards new clothes
sweetpeg at gmail dot com
beading supplies/tools
i'd buy books from the Book Depository..i've got lots of books in my wishlist! :))
I would buy a new cover for my Kindle Fire.
I would buy some spring scents for my warmer.
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