Friday, December 9, 2011

Updated My Christmas Header... and Blog Width, Again!

Thanks to the reader who confirmed that the blog width I had advanced to a couple days ago wasn't formatted well for certain computer monitors. I've scaled back the blog's width to 1050, which should produce better results. I really liked the broader look better, but not at the cost of my reader's needing to scroll back and forth to read my blog. Too much hassle and readers go elsewhere. I'd like to keep you around!
    I'm home today baking a cake, blogging, and thinking about cleaning my room. My daughter is sick with one of those chest colds that makes you question whether it's time to call a doctor. No fever, but very croupy sounding. She's eating well and enjoying her second Christmas movie of the day. We started with "Home Alone" and now have "Micky's Once Upon a Christmas" playing in the DVD player.
      Prayers for my family's health and continued feedback on my blog would be sincerely appreciated! Hope everyone out there is having a wonderful Friday. Don't let the stress of holiday shopping, housecleaning, or baking put a bit of grinch in your heart. I've been there. When I start to feel grumpy, I take a deep breath and try to remember what Christmas is all about. Why is it so easy to forget in the midst of our busyness?

        Thank you for following The Homeschooling Blog!

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