Friday, December 30, 2011

Google Friend Connect is Going Away... Well For Some Anyway

I recently read that for blogs not hosted by Blogger, Google Friend Connect will soon be history. I'm glad GFC will remain intact for those of us with Blogger blogs! Not that I have a tremendous following yet, but would hate to lose those followers I've accumulated over the years.
    I've gone ahead and established a Google Circle page or as you may have heard it called Google+. I hope you'll follow me there too! The Google+ button sits in my left sidebar eagerly awaiting new follows. You'll find it just beneath my sponsor Vista Print.

    Are you familiar with Google+? It really reminds me of Facebook... quite a lot in fact. I don't mind it, after all it has a nice clean look and is yet one more way to stay connected with other bloggers and blog readers... however, I wonder how many networking sites we really need? In addition to Google+, I've discovered two additional networking sites just this week. Maybe I'm getting old, but who has time? lol
      I hope you're having a marvelous week! It's been very restful around my home. Well... except for the occasional puppy training mishap! lol Christmas is a doll by the way. I'll be posting another picture of her today. She's been such a little blessing to the children, and to her new mommy and daddy!

        Thank you for following The Homeschooling Blog!

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