Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Math Dictionary for Kids Book Review

Looking for a quick reference guide for mathematical definitions, formulas, measurements, and perhaps the proper strategy for calculating answers to everyday mathematical equations? The Math Dictionary for kids is an excellent resource not just for your developing student, but also a valuable asset for any teacher, homeschooler, or tutor. If you have a classroom where math is taught, you'll no doubt benefit from this information-packed mathematical dictionary.

Prufrock Press sent me a complimentary copy of this awesome reference book in exchange for my honest opinion. Before receiving it, I contemplated turning my review into a giveaway, but to be honest with you... I simply value this book too much to part with! lol It's conveniently geared towards children in grades 4th through 9th, and my kids are in 3rd and 5th, so I'm keeping it! lol

If only such a book had existed when I was in elementary school perhaps I would've experienced fewer brain cramps. Ever had one of those? I think I'm still recovering! Those cramps not only hindered my confidence through jr. high and high school, but well into my college career. Math was not something I was fond of... today I have a 10 year-old son who despite having an engineer dad, seems to have inherited my math brain and consequently we shall be keeping this book in our library! lol  We're so blessed to live in a day and age where there are resources like this math dictionary to refer to and learn from. My 8 year-old daughter LOVES math and had a great time flipping through this book. She told me "Hey mom, we need to keep this for when I start 4th grade!". lol I second that!

Unfortunately, text books don't always do an adequate job of connecting the dots for those who struggle with numbers. Imagine having a reference book you could easily hold in your hands (not a dinosaur of a read) loaded with definitions and simple to understand steps towards mastering mathematical principles? I believe this book should be on every parent's bookshelf, within easy reach of their children.

The definitions in the Math Dictionary for kids are well worded (without being wordy), easy to understand, simple to follow, and come accompanied with colorful visuals. It's the perfect book for any math student... as well as for the parent helping them to understand, or explain the operations needed to find the correct answer... especially if it's been awhile since you've opened a math book!

Just a few facts about this book:
  • Includes over 400 full-color illustrated definitions
  • Provides definitions, illustrations, explanations, and examples of math problems
  • This book includes algebra, geometry, measurement, fractions, decimals, probability, and statistics
  • Available as an iPad app
  • You can read reviews of this book, as well as sneak a peak at the inside at Amazon.com
  • You may wish to learn more about Prufrock Press and their complete line of advance learning tools and resources by visiting their website.
I received no compensation in exchange for this post. Prufrock Press provided a "review copy" of the Math Dictionary for kids in exchange for my honest opinion. 

  If you're not reading this post on The Homeschooling Blog... the content has been hijacked without permission.

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