Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wholesale Furniture Brokers Review... Save Money on Mattresses and More!

I've been looking for an affordable answer to a shot mattress in our master bedroom... the exact location where I find myself in pain morning after morning. At 39 I shouldn't feel like an old lady upon crawling out of bed... should I? And yet...  every morning that all too familiar ache in my right hip, knee and shoulder are there to greet me . After 10 years of turning our mattress over every 6 months and flipping from end to end, I'd love for that final flip to be out our bedroom window.

What a perfect opportunity for me to review one of  Wholesale Furniture Broker's awesome websites. They have multiple stores to shop from, but today I'm focusing on www.gowfb.com which focuses on sales to the United States. Wholesale Furniture Brokers is a Canadian company, but thankfully they do business with those of us down South! lol In fact, I have a recliner I'm expecting sometime over the next couple weeks. Can't wait! Just to clarify... I think we Americans can shop from most of their sites! lol This one just happens to be for us. :)

I have always wanted a memory foam mattress and I love what I'm seeing at Wholesale Furniture Brokers for a variety of reasons. The most important reason is the price. The Mattress I'm showing off below is selling for less than $500, down from $1199! What's more... do you see they're currently offering free shipping?

I love that this retailer is hip enough to use social media buttons so I can share my finds on Twitter and Facebook direct from their site... this will come in handy at Christmas time. lol I also appreciate that this product has a warranty! It should have a warranty, but it's great to see that yes... it has a warranty! Wholesale Furniture Brokers recognizes how essential it is for the shopper to see this in black and white... along with the product description.

If you'd like to check this mattress out firsthand from Wholesale Furniture Brokers, just click on the photo and wallah! There you'll be! In addition to other marvelous mattress options, you'll also find amazing furniture... bedroom sets for the entire family. Furniture is outside our budget today... but one day (hopefully soon) my dream is to have real furniture in my bedroom! lol We've been married almost 12 years and have never had a bed frame. I'm sure I'm not the only one! Still... it would be nice to have something made of wood wrapped around that new mattress I'm dreaming of dreaming on!

Finally... I'd just like to mention that Wholesale Furniture Brokers sells furniture for every room in your house... not just the bedroom. So whether it's a new dining room set your after, a new sofa and loveseat, perhaps a trendy recliner, or dresser for your growing toddler Wholesale Furniture Brokers is the place to go!

  If you're not reading this post on The Homeschooling Blog... the content has been hijacked. Please let me know by following this link and leaving me a comment. Thanks in advance! 


Matt Holmes - Wholesale Furniture Brokers said...

Hello Wendy. This is a great review. Thanks for writing it. Your blog post is eligible to win the $500 gift certificate. We will randomly draw and announce the winner on this page tomorrow: http://www.gowfb.com/contest/161/vancouver-canucks-blog-giveaway

Anonymous said...

I purchased a bedroom set from Wholesale Furniture Brokers and I LOVE it. I use it with a memory foam mattress I purchased from www.novosbed.com. I used to keep my bedroom door closed when company came over, but now I like to show off my room - the furniture looks fantastic and the bed is super comfortable :)