Monday, March 21, 2011

More Homeschooling Kindle Talk

The recent question of whether or not Homeschoolers use readers produced feedback... something I loooong for on this blog! I love to hear from my readers and given the responses came on my Kindle question made me even more excited. Especially hearing from a couple of you that "YES!" you do find a reader beneficial to your homeschooling experience. I suspect my reader will be under my son's bed most mornings. He's a growing bookworm like nothing I've seen. My daughter has had her moments too. Given the competition books have these days with computer's and video games, that's saying something.

Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl TechnologyHonestly I'm in no position to be spending money on non-necessities like readers. I've vowed to not make a purchase unless and until I have enough credits to do so. I'm acquiring them by entering every last giveaway I can find online offering gift certificates and via Swag Bucks (by the way I see I have another referral on board!! Thanks to whomever you are... you'll love it!).

This may be a long journey but I have $55 in Amazon credit thus far. I'm not normally the patient sort... more impulsive if you wanna know the truth. So, this will be a great exercise for me. You can help keep me accountable! If I come back and tell you I paid even 1 cent out of pocket for a reader, you have my permission to shame me publicly! lol

I've learned a little about myself over the years. For one thing, I do enjoy reading, but don't do nearly enough of it because I'm a flipper. Meaning... I can't sit still and just read 1 book at a time. I like to flip back and forth between several books, but it's not easy to do so when you're on the go. So... I end up frustrated and not reading. Does that make sense? It sounds insane when I see the words in front of me... but that's me.

My biggest desire for my Kindle is to be able to use it with my Bible study. We're doing the Ownit365 study, which is a Bible in a year dealeo... but it's accomplished in chronological order. This is rather cool. I'd love to be able to "flip" between various Bible translations, and even dig into some Bible history via other resources as I study without carting around a library. Btw, you can study along with us by signing up for free emails from Ownit365 with daily Bible readings... in a year's time, you'll have completed a journey! Not a final journey hopefully. I do believe in reading God's word more than once! lol

Here's a quick question for those currently owning a reader, and those of us who hope too.... is there a good source for acquiring free (or reasonably priced) materials of interest to the homeschooling community? This could be books for kids, books on homeschooling, learning materials, etc. If you have a lead, let us know! I'll have to compile a list of resources here... if there are resources to compile. lol

Also... what are you currently reading on your reader? What type of reader do you currently own and what do you like about it?

Can't wait to read what you all have to say!

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