Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Where Did Wendy Go?

For those faithful readers who keep checking my blog for new posts, I am still alive and kicking! It's been slim posting here for much of the summer and I appreciate that while I've been away my traffic has actually increased. Now... I can't really explain that one, but I'm happy to have every reader, regardless of how long it's been since I've written anything!

Where was I? Well... I just recently realized I was spreading myself too thin with obligations at home and church and actually had to let one of my Bible studies go. Just so I'm not misunderstood... I didn't let the Bible study go so I could start blogging again, but there were a handful of things I no longer had time for, blogging was at the bottom of that list. Top of the list was time with my family... that is, time with my family when my husband was at home. I'm with my kids most of the time.

Last week was a real wakeup call as it was the second straight week where I had only one night at home. Every other night I was either out at a meeting, a study, or having a meeting at my house while me kids were out with thier dad. Something just didn't seem right about that... you know what I mean? So, what did I do? I prayed about it until I found peace with a decision that just a couple weeks ago I never would have considered. That decision was to step away from my
"Believing God" Bible study. Thing is, the Believing God study was soooo good that even a couple weeks into it I believed God enough to trust Him when I felt like He was telling me I needed to step away. I can and will do this study on my own and when it's offered again through my church... hopefully, I'll have the time to share the group-study experience. In any case, last night was my first night not in the group and it really did feel ok. I didn't cry or anything! lol I still have my book, still have my Bible, still have the desire to keep on learning from my favorite Bible teacher Beth Moore... so it's all good!
I might be rambling just a bit, but back to the point of this post... I'm back and I will be posting again. My goal is to post no fewer than 3 times a week, so we'll see how I do with that!
So, how is everyone's semester going so far? I'll be sharing a bit about ours in the coming days, or hours... we'll have to see what happens! You see, I had last night and tonight off, but I'm booked through Saturday! lol I might still have a moment to give you a few homeschooling highlights. I have so much to share!


~teachmom~ said...

Welcome back Wendy! Wow, what a schedule---I know the feeling!
Look forward to your upcoming posts!
Our semester is going pretty okay....lol, it's full of surprises! :)

TTFN! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling that pull RIGHT NOW and have been really struggling for the last few days...