Thursday, September 4, 2008

Our Lil' Giveaway Winner!

Last night after putting myself to bed, I realized I'd forgotten to do something. Have you ever done that? I do it nearly every evening. As a matter of routine, I often find myself lying in bed with thoughts spinning. It's amazing what you remember when it's too late to do anything about it!

So, what did I realize last night? I'd not drawn a name for my Disciples Cross necklace! Oh... and I promised to do so on Tuesday! Ok... I messed up. This hasn't been a typical week and I'm fairly certain my head isn't screwed on quite tight enough.

So, to make good on my word, I just drew a name from the 7 who commented on the Sarah Palin post. Our winner is Teachmom! Congratulations! I'll be contacting you ASAP for your mailing address. Thanks for leaving a comment on THB.


~teachmom~ said...

Thank you Wendy!!!! :)

~teachmom~ said...

Wendy, where'd you go!? Miss your posts!

Wendy said...

I'm right here at my computer wishing I wasn't soooo busy! lol Nice to be missed and I will be back. :) I'm directing the women's retreat committee at my church and it's taking a big chunk of my would-be free time. Well, that and the fact that the Summer is over!

I don't think I've ever been so busy, but maybe I can find a few minutes each night to start posting again! Praying for a couple more women to carry some of the load... not that we don't have a lot of great women already serving, but a couple more would be WoNdErFuL!!!

Thanks for missing me! I feel special. lol (I wish we had emoticons in Blogger!)