Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin... What's Your Take?

I don't have a lot of time to share my thoughts on Sarah Palin as we're getting ready to get the books out and start another school day, but did want to hear from my readers on the VP pick for the Republican ticket.

What do you know about Sarah and do you approve or disapprove of McCain's decision to pick her as his running mate? Will this help or hurt his efforts to run a successful bid at the White House? Will it help or hurt that she's a woman? Does gender matter?

Ooooh, & A Lil' Giveaway!
All comments on this topic will be entered into a drawing for a free Disciple's Cross necklace (photo to come soon, retail value $9.99). Leave me a comment no later than Monday, Sept. 1st at 11:59 PM (CDT). Share your thoughts, keep them clean (or they won't get published) and tell me what you think of McCain's pick for VP.

Isn't this fun?!!


Amy said...

WOW - I'm excited for this campaign now. I like what I know so far of her no-nonsense policies and her fiscal conservatism.

But WOW - I also can't believe she's doing this as a mom with 5 kids; one of whom is only a few months old! She's certainly added a whole new "oomph" to this campaign! I will be interested to learn more about her and her policies.

windycindy said...

I only know what I have heard about her today! I think I understand why both presidential candidates choose the running mates that they did! Even though she has experience as a governor, I am sure I am ready for a woman who would become president if something happens to the president!
Of course, provided McCain is elected. Thanks for the fun contest. Cindi

~teachmom~ said...

Hi, Wendy!
Well, I personally don't know too much about her, but dh is all for her being vp. He's been mentioning her off and on for a few months now and seems respect her and her experience. I know that she's more conservative than McCain and that will REALLY help him, I think. And it won't hurt that she's a woman, considering that's what America wanted but not with Hillary.I think I will see her and McCain in Jan. entering the office! :) I really hope so...cause one thing I CAN say is, I am realllly tired of "Emperor" Obama. REALLY.


Sara said...

I haven't heard of her. It scares me a little to have a woman in office unless its the right one. Prayerfully I hope she is the right one.

Suzie Williams said...

I don't know much about Sarah Palin however one of my friends was telling me last night that she is under investigation for something and she's worried that it'll hurt McCain's chances. Not because she's a woman, but because of her background. I haven't looked up anything about her yet to form my own opinion.

Jamie said...

I think it's great - I love the fact that she is a motivated mother and has great values!

Jennywrites said...

I think it's great! I just wrote about her "Breaking News" apparently her daughter is pregnant. Why would her daughter's pregnancy matter to the world? We can only raise our kids the best we can and then due to our free will we can make mistakes. Does it mean she won't run our world right? Look at adam and eve.. *sigh* I'll get off my soap box. lol

Anonymous said...

Palin is under investigation by the opposition in the Alaska state legislature. They're accusing her of abusing her power by pressuring the head of the state police to fire her ex brother-in-law. None of the accusations have been proven and the McCain team determined that it's all just partisan politics as usual in Alaska.