Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Pro-Homeschooling Presidential Candidate

At the risk of losing half my audience, I'm going to endorse John McCain for president.

In case you missed it, McCain plugged homeschooling last night at the Saddleback Church in California as an alternative to public school systems. "Homeschooling works" ~ John McCainI couldn't find a clip on YouTube just yet of last nights revealing discussion between the candidates and Rick Warren, but did find this:

McCain on education and homeschooling
Town Hall Meeting, Feb. 15, 2008

This isn't a political blog (and won't become one) and I hesitated before posting this, but then thought to myself that I had a responsibility to share my opinion on such an important matter. After all, this is my blog... my thoughts, my choices, my ideas... why should I shy away from political matters? Plus, I'm not here to bash anyone and I don't have any ill thoughts or feelings towards homeschoolers who support Obama.

If you want to know the truth... I wasn't too excited to have McCain on the ticket, but based on everything I know of him (and Obama), he is my choice for a variety of reasons. While I've never heard Obama address the issue of homeschooling, I know where most of his party stands on education and on the freedoms concerning education. I can only assume his views of homeschooling are far more liberal than what would be healthy for the future of homeschooling in the United States.

For me, the choice to support McCain isn't just about homeschooling, but based on the fact that his overall thoughts are more in sync with my own. I've always been very conservative and Obama is anything but that. McCain isn't really conservative enough for me, but he feels like the safer choice.

What are your thoughts on last nights discussion? I hope you watched! I also hope I haven't offended driven anyone away from my humble little blog. This is just me... being me. I respect everyones right to vote for the candidate of their choice and appreciate any thoughts you might have on this matter. Please be nice. I won't publish any comments deemed angry or hateful.


Fairie Mom said...

Although, I haven't not really made a wholehearted decision on which way I will be voting yet - the thing that caught me about the McCain clip that you showed was that yes he said that homeschooling works with dedicated parents, but he also said that he thinks that homeschoolers should have to show that they are meeting standards. So does that mean that he thinks they should have a standardized testing in place for homeschoolers? I can see tons of problems with that leading to national rules and guidelines for homeschooling! The majority of the parents that I know that are new to homeschooling have taken their children out of the public schools to get them away from the types of testing that the No Child Left Behind Act has forced schools to implement.

Wendy said...

I knew that would come up here and would be concerning to many. I don't know if we really know the answer to that question.

Neither candidate is going to tell us exactly what we want to hear (neither is the ideal candidate), but I do honestly believe that McCain is the more homeschooling friendly choice.

Thanks so much for your comment!

Betsy said...

Can I suggest a good read!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post and bit of information. It is most helpful and something that I'm going to check more into.

I do hope you don't lose readers. That would just be immature and well, stupid for lack of better words. It's at least not rational for an adult.