Monday, August 18, 2008

4 Day School Weeks

Public school news can be interesting.... so I thought I'd share this. :) I think this story is kinda cool (well, in a public school cool kinda way... whatever that means).

There are a growing number of public schools in the United States (mostly rural) cutting back on school days in an effort to reduce the expense of fueling buses and keeping their building thermostats at a comfortable level. What I found interesting about this situation were the reports that school districts are enjoying better attendance and higher test scores with a 4 day school week. This despite longer school days and lessons. Interesting, wouldn't you say?
Imagine... kids thriving with an extra day each week unconfined to a stuffy classroom? It won't surprise anyone here I'm sure. Apparently 100 school districts in 17 states currently give students this extra day to thrive (hopefully at home). In my dreamy imagination, I like to picture these children at home with mom and/or dad that extra day, sharing time together, maybe going to a museum or even running errands together.

The biggest obstacle for parents (who work) is what to do with their kidlets on that extra "day off" from school. It can present an expense that wasn't there before, but then again, with the kids in school 4 days a week with hours that more closely resemble mom and/or dad's work day, there may not be a need for after school day care. If it were me (and I'm glad it's not) I'd shift my hours in such a way as to work a 4 day work week and enjoy that extra day off with my kids.

Ok, so this isn't homeschooling news, but I still find it interesting. I've thought about schooling just 4 days a week myself (for different reasons), but haven't been able to really make that work just yet. I go back and forth between 4 heavy days and 3 days off, spent together as a family, and doing 5 even 6 less intense school days each week where we can take it slow and enjoy our lessons (and have them done by noon). What I usually end up with is a mix of both! lol We sorta blow which ever way the wind takes us. With doctor appointments, my son's upcoming surgery that keeps getting postponed, playdates (for my unsocialized kids... I'm soooo joking here!), the busy work I've found being a committee director at my church, and oh... my blogging and work from home ventures, there are plenty of distractions and reasons to keep school flexible.

Articles on 4 Day School Weeks:

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