Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sprucing Up Your Home Without Spending a Small Fortune

That's been my goal this month. Last week for instance... I borrowed my neighbors Bissell Steam Cleaner and removed 9 years of filth from my carpet... only setting this frugal mom back $20 for the cleaning solution. Today I covered my ancient of days couch and love seat with clearance slipcovers from Macy's and I'm getting ready to dye some super nice white pillow cases I found at an unbelievable price on eBay for less than $2 a piece. I'm feeling pretty awesome!

There's still so much left be done, in order to give my home the face lift it so desperately needs. When we moved in, we said we'd be here just 2 years... and since hitting that 2 year anniversary date some 7 years ago, we've planned on moving into our would be dream home each and every year that followed. For the last 7 years we've been talking about moving, doing a bit of light house hunting, studying the reputation of local builders, all the while letting this home sit unchanged or "spruced up" as I like to call it. All the furniture, bedding, even the television sets are the SAME as what we moved in here with! lol is a great resource for finding incredible deals, which is why I'm there now looking for area rugs to place in our dining room, under our apartment sized dining room table. lol It's a nice table, just sorta small. An area rug would add a lot of color to the dining room and could be put to good use should we ever make that step into a bigger home... some day. I have to say that landing on just one rug will be a huge challenge. There are so many gorgeous rugs to choose from!

Another thing in our home that's just shot to pieces is our master bedroom mattress and I've been dreaming of a new memory foam mattress. I'm wondering why it makes sense to keep waiting for a new home, just to get a new mattress? Some of the memory foam mattresses on's site are more than 80% off suggested retail. Seriously?  Maybe I should start building my Christmas wish list now! Oh... and while I'm add it, I better add new bed sheets to that list. We're still using the sheets we received as wedding gifts. It would feel really good to make the bed with something that didn't have thin spots, loose threads, and the occasional hole!

Ok... would you believe our son's bathroom has NEVER had a shower curtain? lol He has the only bath tub in the house... we have a shower in the master bath, so we just figured we didn't need to use the shower in his bath. Problem is, it doesn't look all that great and now that he's 9 years old and there's no real plans to move anytime soon... might as well look for a nice shower curtain. Just one of those finishing touches you'd expect to see after 9 full years of home ownership. lol

We aren't really ready to buy new furniture yet... hence the slipcovers I mentioned earlier... however, it's great to know that offers affordable and stylish furniture too! Most of our money is being SAVED, so for the time being it's all about getting by with what we have and all me trying to find affordable and stylish ways to make our home feel more homey. Is homey a word? I mean used this way? lol

So, just wanted to share my excitement over sprucing up my humble little home with great deals I've found online... and with the help of a neighbors steam cleaner!  Feels great to be frugal and still find some color and style!

1 comment:

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