I just returned home from an outing with a friend and feel a bit like I missed my curfew! lol As a mom do you ever feel like you'll turn into a pumpkin if you're not home by a certain hour? I feel a bit odd about coming home so late... it's not the norm for this 30 something mom to be out past 9:30ish. lol
Yes... that's part of my life as mom... normally I'm here in time to get my kids off to bed. Teeth brushed (I still help them, just to be sure we get the job done), pajamas on, and tucked into bed with a good night hug and a reminder to say their prayers before they drift off to dreamland. Tonight however, I came home to find both my kids asleep on the living room floor in front of the television, with dry toothbrushes sitting on the sink and dirty dishes on the table. lol
So... I get to try and brush their teeth while they're sleeping, which means no toothpaste. I can't imagine what it would feel like to be sleeping comfortably and have someone stick a brush in my mouth, but by the looks of the bowls sitting on the dining room table they had a big bowl of sugar, also known as ice cream. Around here we call it a dairy product, but not sure their little teeth will consider it all good.
Anyway, this post is a bit about nothing, but such is life. I had a great time with a fairly new friend and although I didn't get to tuck my kiddos into bed, I'm enjoying watching them sleep just feet from my computer. They're so peaceful and beautiful!

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