Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Have a Craft? Wanna Donate to a Women's Event?

Oh, I can't believe I'm asking this question on my homeschooling blog, but ok... here goes. I'm directing a women's retreat at my church again this year (3rd and final year!) and we're looking for donations. Not monetary donations, but things that are handmade... things like those sold on Etsy... cute, feminine, and fun things. Perhaps a hand-knitted scarf or a throw pillow. Maybe a pair of earrings or a nice hand-crafted tote bag? In any case... just thought I'd try this approach! lol Can't hurt... right?

If you donate your homemade goody, we'd totally allow (and in fact encourage) you to attach your business card to the item and if you don't hand make anything, but let's say you sell Avon or Pampered Chef for example and would like to donate a little something with your card, that too is welcomed! We prefer hand-made, but welcome anything new and unopened. ; )

Our first attempts to gather donations always come from the women at our own church. This year we've thrown out the request in our women's newsletter, but I'm still looking for additional items because well... in my opinion you just can't have too many door prizes! I am hoping for a year when everyone gets something. We did very well last year, but didn't quite cover everyone. I know what you're thinking... what kind of event gives every participant a door prize? Well, I haven't a clue, but I certainly see no harm in that kind of event and that is totally my goal this year!

We anticipate as many as 200 women this year, so I'm looking for generous ladies to share a bit from their heart and their business... whatever their business might be, in order to minister to a woman whom they've never meant at a retreat they'll likely never attend. Trust me... it's all good!

When all is said and done I'll post a photo of the table with ALL the many door prizes collected! It should be pretty exciting!


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