Friday, June 20, 2008

German Couple Face 3 Months in Prison for Homeschooling

Apparently it's against the law to homeschool in Germany... flat out, across the board, a crime worthy of prison time.

How sad for a German couple, from the state of Hesse, who were convicted of the crime of homeschooling their 7 children. German law actually sees homeschooling as a form of child abuse. Juergen and Rosemarie Dudek had already paid fines for their crime, but a federal prosecutor decided that wasn't enough. So, they'll be taken away from their 7 kids to serve hard time behind bars, for "rebelling against the state" as stated by the prosecutor.

Rebelling against the state. Remember these words as you enjoy the freedom to homeschool in the United States. We can't assume we'll always have such freedom. Don't think for a minute we won't have more legal battles ahead of us, like the one currently being fought in the state of California. The government in Germany feels threatened by homeschool and I do believe there are those in the United States government who share that fear. You see, our kids aren't being indoctrinated into thinking the way the state would prefer they think. Believe me they do have an agenda. Our kids are being taught to think the way we do (their parents), and if you're a Christian, the values you're instilling in your children might not be acceptable (to the state). Yes, I suppose we too are rebelling somewhat, but lets just pray in the USA we'll be allowed to rebel for the sake of our children and for the sake of our nation.

You can read more about this case and the struggles of homeschooling in Germany here:
German Homeschooling Parents Sentenced to Three Months in Prison
German Homeschoolers Under Attack


Anonymous said...

GREAT post! I shared this on my blog as well to get the word out!

Thanks for sharing!

Wendy said...

Thanks for your comment and for sharing this story with your readers.

Your new blog template is awesome! So functional and pleasing to the eye. I might have to find out who created it for you!

bethany said...

Thanks so much for the compliment on my blog. I don't think anyone else has ever said anything like that about my homemade banner :)

Anonymous said...

WoW!!! How sad is this!!!