Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Site, New Giveaway! Win a Fun Homeschooling Tote!

What? A new site? I don't see a new site? Check again! We're in the same place, have the same look, but we have a new blog address. Yesterday I purchased a domain name so as to drop the "blogspot" from the address. I'm still using Blogger because I prefer a simpler approach to blogging, and Blogger has never let me down.
So, to celebrate the new blog address, I'm hosting another fabulous giveaway! This time, catering specifically to homeschoolers, although you don't have to be a homeschooler to enter.

The homeschooling tote:
measures 15"x18"x6", machine washable, 10 oz heavyweight natural canvas, retails at my CafePress store for $14.99... design is a Wendy exclusive! lol If you're like to see a larger image of the design itself, visit my homeschooling store.

Entering to win this adorable canvas bag is as simple as this:
1. Subscribe to my feed or to a subscription by email. See the right sidebar for the Feedburner tools to accomplish this quick and easy task!
If you're already subscribed, just skip this step (if you were subscribed before, you're subscribed now).

2. If you're a blogger, share this giveaway with your readers within the content of a post or in your sidebar, using one of the images below (or the larger one above). You may copy and past the html code accompanying either button to make things nice and easy!

3. Finally, comment on this post and let me know you've completed steps 1 and 2. Be sure you share your post url with me, so I can check things out!

    *If you're not a blogger, you can still enter this giveaway, just be sure to comment on this post. You'll still need to complete step 1 to be entered.

    If you've previously entered this contest and commented through Blogger, no worries! I've only added this Mr. Linky to give entrants another option for registering their names for this giveaway.

    Please be sure you leave me a way to contact you, should you be the winner. If you leave your email address in your comment, do so in this format: yourname(at)yahoo(dot)com... this prevents the cyberbots from picking up your email address and sending you spam. Alternatively, you can email me with your contact info, just be sure to type "tote giveaway" in the subject line, so I don't miss it!

    The winner's name will be announced here on May 19th and will have 10 days to claim their prize. I will send an email to the winner or comment on their blog, but please additionally check here on the 19th to see if your name is selected!

    Contest ends at 11:59 PM (Central Standard Time) on May 18th, 2008.
    *Contest only open to residents of the Continental United States & Canada.

    Good luck!


    Anonymous said...

    Glad to see you on your new domain... ;-)

    Regards, Pete

    Wendy said...

    Thanks Pete! I'm glad I finally took that leap too! :)

    Anonymous said...

    Love the site. I'm new here, but was given the address from a member on cafemom. I completed the steps necessary for your drawing. I am bookmarking this site. Yannah. mereminerals(at)cox(dot)com.

    Andrea said...

    Hi there! I'm new and just completed the steps to enter. My email is: ledbetterfamily(at)gmail(dot)com

    Tammy said...

    I subscribed via email and you're all linked up in my sidebar! Congrats on your new domain, -- I've been a lurker for awhile now!

    Unknown said...

    Hi, I'm new here and subscribed by email. I got the link from someone on CafeMom. I posted it to my blog at

    Anonymous said...

    I subscribed and you can check out my MySpace page at! Hope I win!

    God bless!


    ReviewsbyHeidi said...

    I added you to my bloglines and posted about your contest on my blog here:

    I work for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and was wondering if you'd be interested in doing some cross-promoting with us from time to time. If so, please e-mail me at hstrawser (at) thehomsechoolmagazine (dot) com


    Canadagirl said...

    Hi there,

    Thanks for stopping by. I signed up and hope to post you link tomorrow.

    Blessings in Him<><

    Anonymous said...

    I think your blog is great! I entered your tote bag give away. I also checked out the Old Schoolhouse Magazine. My email is christie0103at windstream dot net

    Anonymous said...

    WOW! What a source of information! Glad I found you thru Heidi! I addded you to my feed list, my faves bookmark and I plan on linking to your blog from mine (as soon as I dust it off and get it back active!). I did complete steps 1 and 2, plus a few more!

    Have a blessed day!

    Christa Darr

    Betsy said...

    Just found your blog! Looks great! I subscribed and I am going to post the button to my blog right now!

    windycindy said...

    Hello! You have a great site. It is loaded with a lot of useful information. I did sign up for your newsletter, but I don't have a blog.
    Please enter me in your drawing. I appreciate it.....Thanks,Cindi

    Anonymous said...

    I would be a proud owner of this wonderful Homeschooling tote!!!!!
    Thank you!
    Elsita :)

    Anonymous said...

    I would love to win the bag!!!


    Anonymous said...

    I love promoting homeschool!!!


    Momma 2...5 said...

    This is a very informative site. Thanks for doing this.
    I just registered and you can find me at woottos(AT)Yahoo(DOT)(COM)

    Amanda Wootten

    MorningSong said...

    I put your link on my sidebar and I signed up for your feed.

    Thanks for the great contest! Go to this link to see your contest link on my sidebar!


    Unknown said...

    I sure thought I had already signed up for this! I hope I'm not too late, I think I've completed all the steps. Thanks for the neat giveaway, and I enjoy your site.tkrfsmf