Friday, January 13, 2012

Online Writing Tutors for 4th Grade Through College Level

Do you have a student who could use a little guidance with writing style, format, or content? Perhaps your child hopes to one day become a published author? If you're looking for a writing tutor to either rescue your struggling student from writing frustration, or wish to boost a student showing great writing promise, keep reading. Who knows... maybe you have the next Rick Riordan, Jane Austen, or Kathryn Stockett (love The Help, so I'm throwing that Kathryn in there!) living under your roof! offers tutors with impressive credentials for children as young as 4th grade up and through the college level. Perhaps you yourself could use a writing tutor? I've considered throwing ink to paper from time to time, but usually stop when I realize I'm not quite polished enough to become a published author! lol Perhaps all I need is a tutor to review my work and teach me a few things!

Whether you're wishing to find a tutor for yourself or your student, imagine learning under the wing of  someone with an educational or teaching background from one of our nation's most elite schools. Many of's tutors have either attended or taught at some of our most prestigious universities.

What does online tutoring look like? The writing experts from use Skype to chat live with the student, while incorporating the use of a whiteboard. Writing and discussion take place in real time, by both student and teacher.

In this manner, student and tutor can participate in live brainstorming, while looking at the same screen, and discussing ways to sharpen the final essay or writing assignment. Your child will be able to save all the notes taken during the online brainstorming session for later reference. How amazing! What's more you and your child won't have to hop in the car to travel to a remote location, or worry about the dirty dishes in the sink that a traditional tutor would see upon vising the house! lol offers tutoring for all varieties of writing assignments from short essays to complete novels and playwrites. Learn more from this innovative tutoring service directly from their website.

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