Monday, December 19, 2011

Uncovering and Creating Your Christmas Traditions

Traditions are fun. Some of our traditions are intentional, others occur by nature, or by the process by which we've grown accustom. Since having had children my husband and I have fallen into a routine of tradition that I find rather interesting. These traditions don't necessarily represent any tradition we grew up with either.
    For instance, every year we go and visit Santa on December 20th. Regardless of the day of week, it's December 20th when we head to the mall to get photos taken with the big guy. We always eat at the Olive Garden, Outback, and have pizza at our favorite pizza shop the week of Christmas. I have no idea why... but we always do. Despite being a family that doesn't eat out all that often, we make the time and set back the money to continue that tradition year after year. This year will be more difficult given our son is on a gluten free diet. However... my husband has already stated that where there's a will there's a way! lol Our favorite pizza restaurant has just introduced a gluten-free crust too.
      We decorate the same way every year and my husband and I each have the same roles in the process... I decorate the tree and put out the nativity, he decorates the fireplace and stairs. Why? Again, I don't know! lol However, if it's repeated year after year, it counts as tradition in my book.
        We ALWAYS attend Christmas Eve service and we never go anywhere else on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Not even to grandma and grandpa's house. We stay home and spend that time as a family of four. The days leading up to Christmas and following are reserved for family. I will confess that given Christmas is on a Sunday this year represents a bit of a problem. Hopefully grandma's and grandpa's, nieces, nephews, and cousins will be around on Friday and Monday!
          I always send out a Christmas letter... even though most people don't reciprocate. It's too expensive and I get that, but when the kids were babies I decided I was going to write a letter every year until they were 18, then present them with a memory book of letters along with the photo that was sent with it. After 10 years, the memory books are beginning to read like a family history book. I love it and I know it's something they'll treasure as adults.
            On Christmas morning my husband always bakes cinnamon rolls. This year we'll be buying premade cinnamon rolls for our son, so he can have his gluten-free. I could find a recipe, but not that ambitious right now. lol
              What are some of your Christmas traditions? I'd love to hear your own stories. :)

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