Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Writing a Winning Resume

Composing and perfecting a winning resume isn't something most of us do by profession... consequently the task can be a bit intimidating to the average job seeker. My husband has been out of work for nearly 2 months now and for weeks tweaked and re-tweaked his resume... doubting himself along the way.
    Resume Builder isn't a site we were aware of until today... and wouldn't you know it, but my husband has just accepted a 2 month contract for work. That being said, it's just a 2 month assignment. So... if this contract doesn't lead to a permanent assignment, we'll once again be looking for ways to represent him on paper. Represent him in such a way as to sell his experience and know how to a hiring firm. So much work!

    I don't know much about Resume Builder... but I also don't know much about How to Write a Resume! lol We'll take all the help we can get! By the way... this help is free for the taking. That's right... it's free! So while I can't say that I've personally tried Resume Builder, I can't think of any reason not to!

    Are you or anyone you love out of work? What have your resume writing experiences looked like?

    Thank you for following The Homeschooling Blog!

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