Friday, October 21, 2011

My Wish List for 2012

Is it bad to have a want list? I'll be 40 in just a couple days, and I still make them. If that's immature, I'll take it as a compliment! lol
    My current want list includes a 35 millimeter camera, one of those babies that takes multiple photos in less than a second's time, in order to better catch motion without the blur. It's a must for moms with active kids... or at least that's what I'm telling myself. I think what I'm trying to say, is that I need a quick shutter speed? If you're camera savvy maybe you can tell me if that's correct.
      I also want a new sewing machine. Something amazing and yet easy to use, since I'll be teaching my 9 year old to sew. My machine is less than awesome and I have been having problems with it.
        Finally, our family could use a new desktop. When it comes to desktop computers I'm not all that picky. I just want a good quality pc that's family friendly... meaning simple and durable. Am I weird for requiring a computer of all things to be durable? lol I look for that in everything these days. Don't sell me anything fragile or sensitive. It won't last a week at my house!

        We probably need the computer more than we do anything else on my wish list. It would be nice to have my laptop back again... rather than having everyone in the family wanting their turn! 

        Thank you for following The Homeschooling Blog!

        1 comment:

        KooBits - Brooke said...

        Never too old to have a wishlist! A good brand for a solid, long-lasting desktop PC would probably be HP or Lenovo. No Acers!