Friday, September 2, 2011

Higher Education Consultants for Chinese Students Traveling Abroad

I found a website that helps Chinese students find and apply to foreign universities. They also assist colleges who are looking to recruit students from China. They're what you'd call higher education consultants.

My husband and I both attended the University of Kansas. One thing we especially loved was the diversity we found on campus. We both met people from all over the world, China included, within the student body.

As a child I'd always dreamed of traveling the world, but it never happened. I feel blessed to have been exposed to a wide variety of people from around the globe... an experience that started in college, but continues to current day. In fact, on our very street we have at least 4 nations represented, with first and second generation families (to the US) living among us.

Traveling abroad for school must be a scary venture. I don't know that I could have left my family behind to visit another nation on the other side of the globe! Maybe if I'd had an education consultant I'd have considered studying abroad.

Do you have a student who dreams of traveling aboard? What are your thoughts on this? Believe it or not our 10 year old son received a letter yesterday inviting him into a program for 5th and 6th graders interested in studying in Australia. This isn't exactly in our comfort zone! lol He's too young in my opinion and if any of my kids are going to be traveling to Australia, I'm going with them! Are you kidding me? lol I'd love to visit Australia!

When my kids are in college (and not 10), I'm sure I'll be on board with the idea of sending them overseas. I'd love to see them travel while in school... if that's something they wish to do. Just so you know... I might still find a way to tag along though! lol Maybe I could play the role of educational advisor and they'd find having mom along helpful in some way. Well... it could happen. Right? lol


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