Monday, August 18, 2008

Why Do You Homeschool?

If I had a nickel for every time I was asked that question (usually online) I wouldn't be stuck at home all day without transportation. Ho, hum.

Ok... I'm bringing this up because I wanted to share a homeschooling poll published by Homeschool World. Although we can all guess (probably pretty safely) the top few reasons parents and grandparents choose to homeschool their children, I thought it was interesting to examine what homeschoolers selected as their main reason for educating their children at home. Here's the poll: What is Your Main Reason for Homeschooling?

So, what is your main reason for homeschooling or considering homeschooling? The polls are closed on this particular question, at least at Homeschool World, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun here! My guess is we all have a list of reasons for making the choice we have, but what is your #1?

BTW, when you visit the link I've provided above for the reasons for homeschooling poll... be sure to check out the other polls in their left sidebar. Interesting stuff!


Anonymous said...

To provide our children with a Christian education.


~teachmom~ said...

Ditto Lance for our #1 reason.
#2 We are convinced that this is the road to academic excellence.
#3 Our concern about our children's welfare concerning their health, their beliefs, their habits, and thier....again, education.
#4 We gave an alternative method of public schooling a try and it failed to impress
#5 It was the right time and we felt very much God was saying, "GO!" That year, I can't think of how it could have gone well making up schoolwork "their way." (DD had open heart surgery).

Anonymous said...


I have a little surprise waiting fo you at MS...
HeeHeeHee ;-)


Wendy said...

Oh, that's cool! Thanks for recognizing THB as a blog you Love! lol

I'll have to pass this along! Hmmm, wonder who I should choose?

Anonymous said...

Our reason is a tie for #1 reason. It'd be quality of education and safety. We took her out of public school and put her into private school. It was not only a financial strain, but she was bullied by money and nothing was done. So, she's at home where she belongs!!