Friday, August 8, 2008

Homeschooling IS Legal in California!

That's right, Homeschooling is no longer a crime in the state of California! This (about time) reversal is a major victory for homeschooling families not only in California, but for homeschoolers across the nation. Let's celebrate with California with a gigantic WooHoo!!!

I just found news of this through HSLDA and couldn't wait to share. What a wonderful way to start a new school year... with the California Court of Appeals for the Second Appellate District unanimously reversing an earlier ruling, which had left homeschooling an illegal activity in CA for anyone without a teaching degree.

According to the court, homeschool is once again a legal form of schooling, falling under the umbrella of private school education. We can all rest easy for the time being, but something tells me there will be more battles ahead of us, both in and outside the state of California. In any case, we won this round!


~teachmom~ said...

Amen! :) Living in Ca., that is good news for us! We do operate under a "satellite" program via our church, and my dh is a certified teacher, but if we had not been under either of those two "safety nets," we'd have been REALLY scared. And I agree: we'll be fighting some more in the future, I am sure! I believe God is good though, and He'll give us the wisdom and courage to get through it all.
Thanks for posting this Wendy! :)

Anonymous said...

This is a HUGE step. Thank goodness!! Since we made the decision to homeschool, I've always been glad to be in OK because it's so easy here!!

Anonymous said...

the first nice to know you, nice blog+posting.
homeschoooling in my country is a good news in educational system , it could be an alternative for my country.