Monday, July 7, 2008

Homeschooling Chaos... Does Your House Look Like Ours?

As I prepare for this fall semester's boxes of books and supplies to hit our front door in just a couple short weeks, I'm wondering where on earth everything is going to go. We have a rule in our home that everything must have a place. Yet in our modest 1400 square foot house, we're beginning to run out of a place for homeschooling and our rule is sort of looking like a joke. BTW, it doesn't take long for the accumulation of educational materials to make you feel somewhat like a pack rat, with "stuff" spilling into every corner of your home.

When you've tossed, sold, or donated everything you think you can manage without and you're still stacking, digging, and even tripping, you've got a problem that likely resembles what I'm staring at even as I type this post. Sitting on my computer printer of all places is one such pile. I have a mix of homeschooling, women's ministry, and vacation Bible school all shuffled together, waiting for someone to come along and file it all away.... sure wish I had a new file cabinet. The one I'm using now is packed so tight, I break nails just trying to pull a file.

In my dreams, I imagine ceiling-high cubed shelving with one of those bookstore ladders, made to slide left to right. That would most certainly take care of our book storing issues, even things like globes, board games, and other educational materials. I also imagine a couple file cabinets, some well-labled storage bins and some low lying trays with casters that could be kept from view under the kids beds. What better place to store favorite projects, artwork, and posters? Shelving in the kids rooms would also be a wonderful help.

Here is my prayer! lol That one day I'll come here to my little homeschooling blog to post before and after shots of my well-organized homeschool... photos meant to inspire and even instruct others on how it should be done. At this point in time, those after photos are yet to be developed, still on file in my scattered little brain; until I have the necessary funds in my wimpy bank account, that's where they'll likely stay. lol

Can anyone relate?


Mozi Esme said...

Oh yeah! My baby's only 15 months old and I've got craft supplies and lesson plan ideas and previous artwork coming out of my ears - er cupboards.

Hope you're having a great summer!

~teachmom~ said...

Yes! I don't know what I am going to do! I have the ironing board stiilllll out from two weeks ago, just to have a "shelf" to put things on for now. Everything is in the master bedroom (is nothing 'sacred?' ;) )
Just ordered the curriculum for my older two and not yet for my new kindergartner. We have to go in baby steps here or I will go insane!
My house is only 1192 sq. ft and we just bought it thinking it was huge, compared to our old place of just 992 sq. feet. I don't know how that happens....!?

Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Oh I can so relate!! It used to must be my religious education material and household paperwork. Now we've got our Schoolhouse. What a wreck that has created. We completely moved the room around, added storage and gotten kiddo a new desk. I'd wish for a bigger house, but I love our quaint little home. Maybe one day I'll snap my fingers and it'll be exactly what I dream of. Here goes.....

Oh no....I'm afraid to open my eyes