Saturday, July 26, 2008

Gearing Up for Another School Year

It's that time of the year again, ready or not here it comes! Most homeschoolers have the luxury of creating their own calendar, including that ever important task of choosing a start date. The decision of when to start can feel huge, but in my opinion waiting only adds unnecessary anxiety. I'm of the opinion that it's always better to start early in the year to allow you and the kids plenty of time for transition. The earlier you start the more time you'll all have to comfortably adapt to a schedule, making any necessary adjustments along the way.

When will we start back up? After just a bit of careful consideration, I'm opting to kick off early this year with our first day back to the classroom scheduled for Monday August 4th, which is only a week away! Actually, I'm thinking if I plan very carefully and school through June, we could have 4 day school weeks instead of 5. That would benefit the entire family in a multitude of ways. For example, I'm a work-at-home mom, earning money through a variety of online ventures and having Friday would insure my continued success... or at least give me a fighting chance! The other thought is that Friday could be extra curricular day... for things like art, music and field trips. In any case, it's an idea I'm currently toying with.

My 7 year old son is scheduled to have his adenoids and tonsils removed on August 15th. This will mean a early break in our lessons... for recovery time, but it doesn't mean my 5 year old can't continue with things. I'm not yet sure what that week will look like in our home, but do hope to have as close to 2 full weeks as possible under our belt beforehand.

What about you? Are you looking forward to another school year and do you have your fall calendar in place? As with most things in my world, my feelings are a bit messy. I'm bored, seriously bored and I find myself craving more structure. I'm sensing the same for my kids. The part of me that's dragging is that part that remembers the constant battles I had with my son last year. My emotional, stubborn, easily distracted son and my lack of know how in dealing with him. For those of you who were reading my blog last Spring, you know I seriously contemplated sending him off to school. It was that bad. Since that time, I feel the Lord has given me the strength to go another year. I know the energy I'm feeling today, didn't come from me!

BTW, this photo isn't one of mine. For the sake of anonymity, I often use photos from royalty free stock sites to decorate my blog. Isn't this little boy cute? lol Reminds me of my son about 4 years ago. So sweet!


~teachmom~ said...

Hi Wendy!
Well, since my dh is a teacher in a pss, we kinda go by his schedule so that I can plan vacations, days off, etc, for when he's home. He starts in mid/late August this year, so, so will we. :)
We have different curriculum for my older two (grades 8 & 3) that are primarily computer-based.
My challenge this year is my new kindergartener. It will be a first time teaching her with phonics and learning to read, etc.and her personality is a lot different, too. It should prove interesting!:)
This year we will go August-early June.

Anonymous said...

Hello!! We're going to start school on 18 August. This is going to be our first year homeschooling, so it took alot for me to decide on this. Public school starts on the previous Friday and private starts on Thursday. Then life stepped in and we literally have an appointment every day of that week, so the 18th it is!! We're supposed to homeschool for 180 days, but I currently have like 172 (or something like that). It's 2 more days than public schools will go.

We're excited and can't wait!!

BTW....I've really enjoyed looking around your blog, so I'm going to add your button to my "Just a Click Away" page in hopes others come check you out!!