Monday, July 28, 2008

Bible Minute... What Beth Moore Taught Me About Strength

Can I talk a little Bible with you?
If you're a Christian woman not yet familiar with Beth Moore, you're really missing out. I've had the very real pleasure of participating in several Beth Moore Bible studies over the past couple years, through a cherished women's group hosted by a dear friend from my church. Being plugged in with a group of Christian women to study and discuss God's word is a powerful thing and not one I'll ever be prepared to do without again.

A couple weeks ago a handful of us had the privilege of traveling to Minneapolis to hear Beth Moore live at the Target Center. I came away with a new take on an old understanding, one that you might be able to relate too, which is why I've opted to share it here. Considering homeschooling presents very real obstacles and challenges, I feel this post is completely relevant to the subject of homeschooling.

For years, I was of the opinion that the reason I wasn't born with a disability or deformity, or the child who lost both my parents in an automobile accident, or the one living in an impoverished area of the world, or the one who's child was diagnosed with a brain tumor was because the Lord knew that I just couldn't handle such pain and suffering. After all, the Bible states that He will not give us more than we can handle, right? That's what I've always been taught, it's what my understanding of His word was, and it made complete sense in my well intended estimation of things.
So yes, that was the answer. It must have also explained my 5 consecutive miscarriages. I actually found peace in believing that God took my babies home early because maybe, just maybe He knew I couldn't handle having more than 2 children. After all, there had been so much stress in our home since the birth of our son, a beautiful little baby with much passion and sensitivity, well-voiced even from the very beginning. Oh, we've been gratefully tired now for going on 7 years!
Ok, so was that such a bad thing to assume? I had peace in believing God had my back, so to speak. I'm now of the opinion that while yes, God does have my back, my trials and the types of storms I face have little if anything to do with me and everything to do with Him. He doesn't look at us and think... "oh, she'll completely crack if I allow this storm into her life". I do believe instead, He allows storms for reasons we aren't necessarily meant to understand, then at our humble request (even without it), He graciously supplies us with all the strength we need to survive. He carries us (sometimes home), rather than allowing the rain to pour down and watch from a distance as we squirm all by our lonesome and try and make sense of things. Our relationship with God is far too personal and involved for any other explanation to make sense.
Thanks to my Bible teacher, Beth Moore I had a bit of an awakening that weekend and I don't think it was by accident. Beth started talking about this very issue and I was like, "well, duh, how did I miss this?" God needed to wake me up and help me realize that there isn't anything that He and I can't survive together, and in fact, assuming that there were things we couldn't handle together was somewhat a slap in the face to my creator. How was it that I thought the maker of the heavens and the earth couldn't supply little ol' me with whatever type of strength I need to overcome any trial? I'm very grateful for this lesson... it's really deepened my love for and faith in Him. It's given me a new kind of peace that I'd not known before.

So, to review... we really aren't supposed to handle anything on our own. The Lord is the source of all our strength, whether or not we acknowledge Him. His strength is sufficient for any trail. So, when my darkest storm comes, not that I'm in any hurry, I will collect all the strength I need from Him, not from me. After all, It's not at all about me and my inability to handle whatever life throws my way. It is all about God and His perfect love and unyielding strength... remember He can move mountains! By the way, I'm more than a little relieved to know that it's not about me or up to me. Kinda takes the pressure off, does it not? Additionally... if I've ever taken credit, even for one microsecond for any of the strength that other's have observed in me, then I need to be more careful in the future... given that everything we do as Christians potentially serves as a living testimony.

Yes, the Bible is always right... the verse that states the Lord will not give us more than we can handle is still correct, I'd just misinterpreted it. What it really implies is that whatever the trial, we can handle it through Him. We were never meant to walk alone. From the little fights with our spouses to the phone call you never wanted to receive at 2 o'clock in the morning, we are to take it all to Him and let Him carry that load for us. It's ok to feel weak by the way. That's a whole other post, but just so there's no misunderstanding, when you're suffering and feel weak, it's not because you lack the faith, it's because you're human and we live in a fallen world. That weakness you feel is an invitation from Love Himself reaching down to you, waiting for you to reach up to Him. God doesn't want you to think you can tackle it on your own. He wants you to depend on Him. Remember the verse in the Bible that reads, in my weakness I'm made strong? It suddenly makes so much sense. 2 Corinthians 12:10 ...For when I am weak, then I am strong.
As I write this I realize that one could write an entire book on this subject. Seriously. This post is in no way intended to be enough to heal or carry you through your own storm, but will hopefully remind everyone that God does have your back, His strength is sufficient for any trial, and His services are available 24/7! This post represents one woman's recent awakening to a misunderstood Bible concept. I hope it's got you to thinking!

A few verses on Strength:
Psalm 18:32 It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.
Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song.
Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Psalm 59:17 O my Strength, I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my fortress, my loving God.
Psalm 73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
2 Samuel 22:33It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.
Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.
2 Thessalonians 3:3 But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.

1 comment:

~teachmom~ said...

Wendy, this was a great blog and it opened my eyes, too, to this realization. Wow. I thought like you, too, that I just wasn't a strong enough person to deal with those hard roads you mentioned, but I never thought of it like she for thought, that's for sure! Thank you for your blog!!!