Sunday, November 7, 2010

Women of Faith Conference... What a Weekend!

I was blessed to have been given the resources and the opportunity to attend the Women of Faith Conference in Kansas City for the 2nd consecutive year. Big kudos to my hubby for making this event my 39th birthday present!!! I came away from the weekend refreshed and excited to start yet another new journey... one that I've wanted to take for years.

As of Friday night I'm the proud new World Vision sponsor of a young man in Sri Lanka and a young girl in Mexico. Both children were in the last chance stack of children... meaning they were nearing the age when  they would no longer qualify for sponsorship. Apparently the cut off age is 14 and my children are 13 and 12. As with legal adoption, most opt for babies... or the really young, leaving the older children overlooked. This was brought to my attention and to my heart on Friday evening and I just knew God was telling me to act. I had planned on looking for children the ages of my own... maybe with similar birthdays, but that wasn't God's plan.

This is an act of faith on my part. I'm committing $70 a month ($35 for each) to sponsor both kiddos and I know GOD WILL PROVIDE. It might mean I cut back on some of my non-essential spending, but it's all good. You wouldn't believe what even a dollar a day can mean to an impoverished family. It's huge. Additionally, World Vision is a Christian organization supporting the spiritual development of these precious children and their families. It's all good and I'm beyond overjoyed to be a part of something so life-changing! I have a hunch it will be life changing for my family too... just a hunch! lol

Last year was my first Women of Faith experience and I'm still hearing the marvelous Mandeesa singing in my heart. I continue to experience the warmth and love of Steven Curtis Chapman as he shared his broken heart for his precious baby-girl, who left the earth at the tender age of 5. What an amazing weekend that was.

I've left Women of Faith with a new favorite speaker... Sheila Walsh, with whom I feel a real connection. The
awesome talent of Natalie Grant still rings in my ears! At 8 months pregnant, belly in full bloom, God gave Natalie the breath to belt out amazing song after song! Only as she laid the microphone down did the crowd appreciate just how much the performance had taken on her pregnant body...  as Natalie took her seat and tears flowed toward heaven! She had survived another performance and just weeks (or possibly days) before her baby girl will make her debut.

I'll keep you all posted on my new journey with my sponsorships through World Vision. Thank you Lord for giving me the opportunity to reach out to children in another part of the world, who might not otherwise have the basic essentials such as clean water and shoes on their feet, who might not otherwise know Your heart, and who might not otherwise know the love of a stranger!


Anonymous said...

HOw wonderful! I was just at Woman of Faith in Florida!! it was such a beautiful time I really enjoyed it to!!

Miss Janet said...


