Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Free eBooks... Over 100,000 Titles to Choose From

Free... are you serious? Why YES I am!

Project Gutenburg doesn't even require you register with their site in order to download previously published (on paper) books, which are now available digitally in ePub, Mobipocket, HTML or simple text formats. How cool is that?

Why are they free? In the US, they're 100% free to you because their copyrights have expired. If you live outside the US, you'll have to check to see whether the copyright laws for your country permit a free download.

This is an AWESOME resource for homeschooling families.  It's amazing what we can find for free if we take the time to look! At the same time, so many offers for free products and services often come with strings and when you're online you might find yourself downloading a virus... so caution should always be practiced. Gutenburg is SAFE and Secure. There are absolutely no malicious downloads, scammers trying to milk your wallet, or even advertisements to distract you from why you came. They do however accept donations, if you're so inclined. They also welcome users to  help them digitize more books or help them record audio books.

Happy reading!

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