Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ready to Start Living Healthy?

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of All opinions are 100% mine.

I'm so frustrated with myself after recently gaining back 8 of the 13 lbs I lost last Fall. Do I know how I gained it back? Sure I do! Do I know how to lose it again? Yes, but as you probably already know, losing weight and staying healthy requires a lot more than just knowing how. 

I think staying healthy and keeping your shape require several key components including but not limited to having an accountability partner, having a wide variety of meal options, learning healthy strategies to dealing with stress, and re-learning how to living in a world of convenience... meaning skip the convenience foods and plan ahead. is an online guide designed to help you improve your health, while finding and maintaining a healthy body weight through information-packed articles, healthy recipes, coupons and fun promotions. I'm there now looking at a promotion for a contest offering money towards a gym membership. Do you know why I don't currently have a gym membership? I can't afford one. I've been planning on joining the YMCA since my last birthday some 5 months ago and yet haven't been able to make the financial commitment. I tell myself I'll take a walk instead, but we've had a horrible Winter and now that the weather is beginning to warm I have that same intention... to walk, so we'll see what happens! Still, having a gym membership would be wonderful. I'd especially love to swim and take a spinning class, oh but I dream!

I'm also looking at an article on dancing your way to fitness, which actually does work and might I say that if you have little one's at home, dancing to "Imagination Movers" is a really good work out... if you do it right! lol This article isn't about dancing to children's television shows, but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents, just for fun. Actually, it's about taking a dance class and  how dance training changes your body. Did you know an hour of intense dancing can burn as much as 400 calories? That's the kind of information I'm here at to learn about! That's the stuff motivation is built on!

If you're interested in joining, now is the time... sign up and enter the Twitter contest where you could win coupons for a year's supply of Jennie-O Turkey product and a full year gym membership! Hey, I don't even have a Twitter account, but this might be reason enough to start one! lol

Visit my sponsor: Attention health enthusiasts!

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