Monday, November 30, 2009

Cyber Monday Reminder!

I had never even heard of Cyber Monday until writing a post last week about the amazing list of online deals compiled by Dirt Devil. If you haven't already visited that pdf, you'll want to do that now! Scroll down to my post on Black Friday and Cyber Monday to find it. :) Btw, these deals are on anything and everything you can imagine and are in no way just linked to vacuum cleaners! lol Not that a new vacuum wouldn't be nice to have, but if you're looking for a new camera or a set of dishes, you'll still want to visit this pdf!

So, what is Cyber Monday? It's just another day to save big on your holiday shopping and if you're like me, possibly on things for the house (yourself). I've got my eye open for things for my own home... going easier on gifts this year and trying to do a little organizing and beautifying of our humble little dwelling. We've lived in the same house for 8 years (not complaining) and there are SO MANY things that need replacing. Additionally, we've never hung drapes, still don't have a comforter set in our master bedroom, and are using the same kitchen towels we had when we bought the house. They get a little thinner each time I wash them and are now covered in holes! lol

I'd love to hear your stories of great finds online! If you didn't have the opportunity to do any shopping on Friday... maybe you can find what you're looking for today? If you know of any homeschooling deals for Cyber Monday, please share them here. I'm sure my readers will be all ears!

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