Friday, June 12, 2009

Registered My 8 Year Old with Math Whizz

Just a couple days ago I went ahead and registered my 8 year old son (diagnosed with Aspergers) with the Math Whizz website to help him build and maintain math skills. The poor little guy is very apprehensive about going to 3rd grade and his anxiety largely stems from his challenges in math.

I let him play the free version of the site for a couple days and he actually told me that he thought the Math Whizz site would give him more confidence going into the new school year. That's all I needed to hear! I figured for $20 a month, it was well worth it. Just that added confidence and seeing him happy are priceless. He only finds peace when his anxieties are managed and sometimes we can't figure out how to get that done! So, I'm really praying that this website will hold the key to this particular struggle.

He spent 1 hour yesterday and probably 45 minutes today on the site. As I watch him I can see where his struggles are. He doesn't do well with pencil and paper exercises, unless he's using them to calculate a solution to a problem. Giving him physical worksheets seems to overwhelm him, but with Math Whizz he's given one problem on the screen at a time... nothing else to distract him.

I'll keep my readers posted on my overall impressions of the site as we continue through the coming days and weeks, but will share that one of the highlights is that the parents have access to the students scores. You can actually visit the site at your leisure and determine you child's true math age based on the responses they've provided. My son's math age is about 6 months behind his physical age (something he doesn't need to know), so let's cheer him on and see where he is in August! I'd love to tell him in August that he's proven himself ready to meet the challenges before him!

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