Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Petunia Experiment

A few weeks back I purchased a basket of petunias for an event at my church... and naturally, my 5 year old daughter immediately fell in love with the beautiful pink blooms. To my daughter's great delight I was able to reclaim the plant after the event and bring it home to her. Since that day, they've been her flowers.

Shortly after bringing the pot of petunias back home and into the house for her to smell and smile over, one of the stems holding a couple blooms fell off. She was upset, but mostly concerned for the little flowers the fell from the plant. With no roots from which to draw water, the fallen flowers would surely die. We've only had that conversation about a hundred times after bringing cut flowers into the house. She didn't know that some plants will grow new roots in water and I'm not enough of an expert to know which will and which will not.... so it was time to experiment.

We placed the stem (for lack of a better word) into a glass of water... hoping that it might grow roots of its own. I gave the stem a loooong time. It was nearly 3 weeks before I could see anything promising, but today, the roots are long and healthy. It was truly a success! We'll be placing these flowers in their own pot in a couple days.

Aren't petunias just beautiful? This is the first time in 7 years of living here that we ever purchased a basket of flowers! lol What a shame. Had I known how hardy they were I would have been buying a few every Spring! Soooo pretty!
As a side note, my daughter used to pray every night for God to put flowers in the yard. We then had a dandelion explosion. Oh, if only I'd thought of petunias back then! lol

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